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Extract water from the air 

The infinite resource...

เครื่องกรองน้ำจากอากาศ ให้น้ำสะอาดเพื่อสุขภาพที่ยั่งยืน

Final Thoughts – Prospects for the Future

There are roughly 37,500 trillion gallons of “fresh” water in the air at any given time. The age-old problem has been getting it to people who need it at exactly the right time.

In liquid form, water is heavy and difficult to transport. Plastic bottle made water far more transportable, but it created a whole new set of problems.

Every day, millions of plastic water bottles, cups and containers are transported around the world by exhaust-spewing steamships, trains, and trucks, only to be discarded, thrown into landfills, and onto our streets. And most of our current bottles don’t degrade.

A high percentage of the products we buy in grocery stores contain water. Everything from pop, to juice, to vegetables, to beer, to soup, and much more. Transporting water is expensive, so what if the containers automatically added the water directly from the atmosphere once we took it home?

Is it possible to add a water extracting ground spike next to every plant or tree in our garden?

Is this a technology light enough for every athlete to carry with them, every adventurer to wear on their belt, and every soldier, sailor, and construction worker to have within arm’s reach at any given moment?

Will atmospheric water extractors replace city reservoirs, dams, water towers, and our elaborate network of fire hydrants throughout every community?

To me, the handwriting is on the wall. Today’s steel pipes will soon be replaced with tomorrow’s air pipes, and we will forget what life was like when chlorine-tasting water was an everyday occurrence.

By Futurist Thomas Frey

Author of “Communicating with the Future” – the book that changes everything

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